enquiry@listezpur.com +91-7086807081 03712-296136

Attendance and Puntuality

  • Regularity, punctuality and discipline in the students need to be constantly monitored by the parents.
  • Students who come to school by private conveyance should arrive at school latest by 7:25 am i.e. 5 minutes before the bell rings. The school gates will close at 7:30 am sharp. If a student is a defaulter more than twice in a month, the parents will be called to take the child back home.
  • It is mandatory for the students to have 80% attendance at the end of the session and no relaxation of any kind will be granted to a student who fails to fulfil this requirement. Eligibility for any academic prize in such cases will be considered null and void.
  • It is compulsory for all the students to attend school on the first working day after every vacation and the last working day before a vacation.
  • Parents should call up the school reception or send an email in case they are unable to send a written leave application on the first day.
  • Record of absence of one/two days must be entered and communicated through the almanac.
  • An application with a valid reason must be submitted if a student is absent on a Tuesday before the Unit Test (Wednesday). A medical certificate must be submitted in case of illness. All applications must be submitted at the school reception.
  • A medical certificate along with a written application on an A-4 sheet, addressed to the Principal should be submitted in case of illness lasting for three or more days.
  • In case of an infectious disease, a fitness certificate issued by the doctor after the quarantine period, must be submitted.
  • An external memo will be issued in case of repeated absence without notice or unexplained absence for more than three consecutive days.
  • Repeated absence without sanction or unexplained absence for six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee, provided the vacancy still exists.
  • Absence from the school for attending social functions should be discouraged.
  • Short/half day leave is not sanctioned by the school.
  • Prior written permission must be sought for all outstation leaves.
  • If a student has to leave the campus during school hours due to an exigency, the following rules must be followed
  • Only authorized persons mentioned in the I-card will be allowed to pick up the child.
  • Parent I-card should be produced at the gate.
  • A permission slip must be obtained from the school reception and the duly signed slip must be deposited at the school gate before leaving the school campus.