enquiry@listezpur.com +91-7086807081 03712-296136

Director’s Message

I have always dreamt of an education system where the child is allowed to develop at his or her own pace surrounded by caring adults and a positive support system. We make sure that our students are rooted in the values of Indian culture and, yet maintain a global outlook. It is our promise to make them not only successful human beings, but also good human beings. Lakshya is an initiative towards creating tomorrow’s world leaders; leaders who are willing to change this world for better.

Year by year the efforts of all our staff and students have taken the school forward in terms of excellence. The school has progressed in leaps and bounds. Today we stand as one of the noted educational landmarks in the Tezpur. We offer our students a stress free learning environment which encourages creativity and critical thinking. Students will be encouraged to discover different aspects of their own personalities – strengths, talents, interests and passion – all the things that come together to define their individuality. Every child will leave School having explored the various facets of his/her inner potential to the fullest. At Lakshya, we arm our students with technological supremacy and help them integrate it with values, morals and our cultural legacy. The school curriculum has been painstakingly planned on scientific guidelines to provide students with intellectual stimulation, physical robustness, social adaptability, emotional independence and leadership qualities. It is our endeavor to establish a quality conscious school where Excellence is driven by values, Success is strengthened by ethics and Modernity is fortified by tradition.

At Lakshya International School we are dedicated to exhaustive quality learning and are utterly committed to a continuous process of improvement for the benefit of the students. We are always open to refreshing views and suggestions which can add more value to the students of our school.